Building Better Baseball Players
By Providing Professional Resources And Guidance To Each Athlete
So They Can Reach Their True Potential And Achieve Their Goals
Tennessee Trojan Baseball Focus is on
Player Development, Physical & Mental
Preparation, Baseball Mechanics & Skills,
Respect for All Players, Coaches and Parents
Through A Christ Centered Life.
Tennessee Trojan Baseball Focus is on
Player Development, Physical & M ental
Preparation, Baseball Mechanics & Skills, Respect
for All Players, Coaches and Parents Through A
Christ Centered Life.
Our Goal is Two-fold:
1st: To help each player become the best version of themselves on and off the field.Through baseball, players can develop skills that can transfer over to life skills thatwill help them navigate their growth and development.
2nd: Give each player maximum exposure through Tournaments to showcase each
players abilities to potential college and professional recruiting scouts.
Super 8 Hitting System
There Are 8 Hitting Steps, Each One Provides A Solid Foundation
For A Hitter’s Success
1) Stance
5) Coil
1) Stance
2) Coil
2) Coil
6) Extension
3) Stride
4) Drive
3) Stride
7) Extend Again
5) Coil
6) Extension
4) Drive
8) Finish
7) Extend Again
8) Finish
There Are 8 Hitting Steps, Each One Provides A Solid Foundation
For A Hitter’s Success
1) Stance
2) Coil
3) Stride
4) Drive
5) Coil
6) Extension
7) Extend Again
8) Finish
4 Basics of Pitching
- 1. Balance
- 3. Delivery
- 2. Direction
- 4. Follow Through
- 1. Balance
- 2. Direction
- 3. Delivery
- 4. Follow Through
What is your main focus?
Winning is fun, but that is not the main focus. Our focus is to develop players to be ready for the next level, increase their baseball IQ, and help them become the best versions of themselves on and off the field.
Where do you see my son fitting in on the team?
Each player has the potential to achieve success if he is willing to devote the time and effort to develop those skills through our professional coaching system.
Our job is to work with each player to a dvance their skills through individual training with tested and proven baseball techniques, drills, and game situations used in practice. D oing this will prepare him so he is ready for the next level, whether that be varsity or college.
How many tournaments will we travel for?
Tournaments are determined on year-to-year schedules. This year travel
for 4 tournaments and in town for
Where will we practice at?
Brentwood Academy.
How many times will we practice?
2 times a week one on Saturday and either a Tuesday or Thursday.
✓ Hustle & Effort
✓ Be A Good Teammate
✓ Know When To Be Focused and When To Have
✓ Be Supportive of Your Teammates
✓ Respect The Coaches Decisions
✓ Players Will Have To Earn Playing Time, It Is
Not Guaranteed.
✓ We Guarantee Your Son Will Play 50% Of The Time.
✓ Show Respect For All Players, Umpires, Coaches and Parents
✓ Hustle & Effort
✓ Be A Good Teammate
✓ Know When To Be Focused and When To Have
✓ Be Supportive of Your Teammates
✓ Respect The Coaches Decisions
✓ Players Will Have To Earn Playing Time, It Is
Not Guaranteed.
✓ We Guarantee Your Son Will Play 50% Of The Time.
✓ Show Respect For All Players, Umpires, Coaches and Parents